A world with cross-border commutes in minutes
Serve as The Technology Gateway that enhances security, facilitates legitimate travel & trade, and upholds the highest standards of safety and privacy
Our company is grounded between borders, regulations, cultures & costumes, and vibrance leading us to work with multi-stakeholder frameworks, expanding our world perspective every day.
Our solutions prioritize Checkpoint managers' approach and work with them to organize and distribute arrivals. Travelers access a digital interface to seamlessly pre-authenticate and get port arrival certainty.
We are ingenious problem solvers for the challenges faced by our users and the surrounding transportation infrastructure.
Curiosity, critical thinking, and self-motivation lead us to push boundaries for society improvements.
A multi-stakeholder framework means a waterfall of positive impact for people, workers, students, authorities, businesses, goods and services, environment, and overall competitiveness of border regions.
Meet the founder
Eduardo Cabrera
Founder & CEO
Engineer, lecturer, and inventor, trained at UNAM and UC San Diego, CICM member (Mexican Association of Civil Engineers).
Born in Mexico City, he moved to the borderlands in 2020 where he started his entrepreneurial journey from scratch. After first-hand experiencing congestion at border checkpoints, he was impressed by the size of cross-border flows, counted in millions.
Since then, Eduardo has developed R&D of North American cross-border challenges and conceived a scalable arrival system for vehicles and travelers approaching ports of entry known as SBS.
The novelty and impact of SBS helped him join techstars; the world’s largest startup accelerator, in 2023. Today he works and connects with stakeholders around border infrastructure enhancements, including policymakers, government leaders, business organizations, investors, and talent.
“Systems thinking for creative solutions in every field”